Success of UCM Resita on Turkish land
UCM Reșița Company, acting as contractual partner of the company ROMENERGO S.A., finished during January the tests for putting into operation at the hydro unit no. 2 in HEPP Kilavuzlu. In the presence of the acceptance committee, there were performed also the tests to check the adjustment guarantees at hydro unit no. 1 and 2, tests required by the customer according to specifications. Following the very good behavior of the hydro units, both during tests and at 72 hours running test, the acceptance committee signed on February, 2nd, 2013, the protocol of delivery/taking over into operation by the customer, in the guarantee period, of the four hydro units to be fitted in the hydro electric power plant Kilavuzlu in Turkey. We remind you that, UCM Reșița is the company that delivered hydro power equipments for the water power station at Kilavuzlu.
The hydro power equipments were assembled during 2011-2012 under direct supervision of UCM Reșița's experts. At the first two hydro units, the assembly was finished at the end of October, and there were performed the preliminary tests and the tests for putting into operation, according to the technical books. Both hydro units have been coupled to the national Turkish power system at the end of November 2012.
The hydro unit no. 1 was put into operation at the end of 2012. From putting into operation, the hydro units in HEPP Kilavuzlu generated 28.278,80 MWh.
UCM Resita and HYDRO ENGINEERING Present at the Trade Fair HYDRO 2010 in Lisbon
UCM Resita and HYDRO ENGINEERING attended as exhibitor to the Trade Fair HYDRO 2010, events that took place in Lisbon, Portugal, within 27 - 29 September 2010.

The two companies of UCM group were represented at HYDRO 2010 by a delegation formed by three persons: Sorin TOADER - Executive Director of HYDRO ENGINEERING, Ileana BORCHESCU - Head of UCM Resita Sales and Marketing Department, and Florentin POP - Project Manager at HYDRO ENGINEERING.
The participation of UCM group at this trade fair had in view, as main objective, to promote our products on the world market and to establish new contacts with possible customers. Along the three days of this event were established contacts having in mind a future collaboration with foreign companies that shown an interest in the offers of the Romanian companies.
During the Conference also took place communication sessions devoted to the regional markets (Africa, Asia and Latin America), the form of present Conference including valuable technical dissertations about a large range of actual subjects.

UCM Resita and HYDRO ENGINEERING were presented respects at Piatra Neamt on the occasion of "50 years of energy Bicaz - DIMITRIE LEONIDA Stejaru Hydro Power Plant"
Hidroelectrica S.A. Bucuresti and its branch Hidrocentrale "Bistrita" Piatra Neamt organized recently several events intended to celebrate 50 years since putting into operation of the Hydro Power System Bicaz - Stejaru, to be completed on the 1st of October.
Invited to this event were the "senior" experts that contributed to the works performed in different stages: design, manufacture, assembly, putting into operation, during the period1950 - 1966 as well as experts contributing to building of hydro power plants downstream of "Dimitrie Leonida" Hydro Power plant from Stejaru.
UCM group, as supplier of hydro power equipments, attended to these events by a delegation consisting of:
Adrian PREDA - Executive Director - UCM Resita,
Cosmin URSONIU - Technical Director - UCM Resita,
Gheorghe STRAIN - Management Adviser in UCM Resita,
Gheorghe NEGOMIREANU - Head of electric machines and auxiliary equipments department at HYDRO ENGINEERING, and
Tiberiu PETRICA - Head of Electric Machines Office at HYDRO ENGINEERING.
At the event attended also representatives of Hidroelectrica Bucuresti, Branches Hidrocentrale, Hidroserv Agencies from the country, Trusts Hidroconstructia, Hidrotim Timisoara, SAEM Bucuresti, ISPH Bucuresti and ISPE Bucuresti.
On this occasion the representative of UCM group, Gheorghe STRAIN, received from the organizers the award "50 years of energy" as a token of appreciation and gratitude for the high contribution to the development of Romanian Hydro Energetic field.

UCM Resita registers a new success on Asian market
After several successful achievements in hydro power field on Asian continent, UCM Resita returned this time in Thailand, where together with HYDRO ENGINEERING Company, won the bid for the rehabilitation of Kang Krachan Hydro Power Plant, in consortium with Hydroengineering Thailand.

The hydro power plant Kang Krachan was fitted with a vertical unit of Kaplan type, manufactured by FUJI ELECTRIC Co. Ltd, consisting of hydraulic turbine, having the output of 17000 KW, at 250 rpm, synchronous vertical generator, three-phased, power factor 0.9 at 250 rpm and inlet butterfly valve of 3300 mm diameter.
UCM Resita and HYDRO ENGINEERING had the task to provide rehabilitation of turbine, generator, inlet butterfly valve, irrigation valve and automation and control system, the last representing a completely new system of SCADA type. As concerns the generator, the excitation system was replaced by a new static system supplied by ACTEL.
The rehabilitation works at the hydro electric power plant Kang Krachan started in the fall of 2008 and have been completed in May 2010, the group delivering the first kilowatts in the network even since February 2010.
The experts from UCM Resita, together with those from HYDRO ENGINEERING attending to the works performed on site, also supervising the rehabilitation, tests and putting into operation works, act highly professional, impressing the customer with their technical knowledge and experience in this field.

UCM Resita at FOREN 2010
The 10th Regional Forum of Energy - FOREN 2010, reference engineering and scientific event for all experts in energy field within the country and Europe, took place recently in Neptun – Olimp Spa.

The Regional Forum of Energy organized under the care of International Council of Energy (CME) every two years, is known to be the most important multi-energetic event in Central and East Europe, also attracting to this event about 1.000 attendants.
The topic debated this year at the Forum was „The energy and major regional issues. Dialog and cooperation“.
The delegation of UCM group, attending this event, proposed two papers as discussion topics at the Round Table organized on this occasion, as follows:
- „Micro hydro units with high energetic efficiency, low investment costs and optimal operation“– join paper of HYDRO ENGINEERING and UCM ENERGY.
- „New solutions and technologies in development of hydro units fitted with Francis turbines of average capacity" – paper of UCM Reșița.
Throughout the forum, the delegates of UCM group had contacts with the representatives of Hidroelectrica and Hidroserv also present at FOREN 2010, being analyzed new collaboration opportunities.