UCM Resita and HYDRO ENGINEERING were presented respects at Piatra Neamt on the occasion of "50 years of energy Bicaz - DIMITRIE LEONIDA Stejaru Hydro Power Plant"
Hidroelectrica S.A. Bucuresti and its branch Hidrocentrale "Bistrita" Piatra Neamt organized recently several events intended to celebrate 50 years since putting into operation of the Hydro Power System Bicaz - Stejaru, to be completed on the 1st of October.
Invited to this event were the "senior" experts that contributed to the works performed in different stages: design, manufacture, assembly, putting into operation, during the period1950 - 1966 as well as experts contributing to building of hydro power plants downstream of "Dimitrie Leonida" Hydro Power plant from Stejaru.
UCM group, as supplier of hydro power equipments, attended to these events by a delegation consisting of:
Adrian PREDA - Executive Director - UCM Resita,
Cosmin URSONIU - Technical Director - UCM Resita,
Gheorghe STRAIN - Management Adviser in UCM Resita,
Gheorghe NEGOMIREANU - Head of electric machines and auxiliary equipments department at HYDRO ENGINEERING, and
Tiberiu PETRICA - Head of Electric Machines Office at HYDRO ENGINEERING.
At the event attended also representatives of Hidroelectrica Bucuresti, Branches Hidrocentrale, Hidroserv Agencies from the country, Trusts Hidroconstructia, Hidrotim Timisoara, SAEM Bucuresti, ISPH Bucuresti and ISPE Bucuresti.
On this occasion the representative of UCM group, Gheorghe STRAIN, received from the organizers the award "50 years of energy" as a token of appreciation and gratitude for the high contribution to the development of Romanian Hydro Energetic field.